
Home Facilities


Creating a healthy and conducive environment for a slow learner is of utmost importance to improve their pace. Some children with learning disabilities have average intelligence. They are often considered lazy and exhibit delay in learning on grade level. In order to eradicate their disabilities in learning, we have designed a Special Syllabus called IE-Care (Intensive Educational Care) for late bloomers. We the teachers toil and moil with those children towards making them as talented children.


DIGA has an excellent library for the benefit of students and teachers which is well equipped, air-conditioned and computerized library. The library also provides students and teachers with a range of reference books, encyclopedia, journals and newspapers and internet facilities to enrich their classroom activities and knowledge.

All new books are arranged on a display table in the library for a month and reviews put up on the Notice Board. Our specially trained Librarian organizes the Library Week with book readings, designing book jackets & book marks and writing book reviews.



A Science lab is a workplace for the conduct of scientific research. It helps students to remember the concepts better. It helps to transfer the experience to other learning situations. It is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific research, experiments and measurement may be performed.

A science lab consists of Burettes, tongs, tweezers, forceps, test tubes, conical flasks, laboratory balance, specimens, slides, microscopes, many chemicals useful for experiments.


A neat and impressive handwriting has always been the key to express one’s thought in the most effective way. We make our students’ confidence soar by perfecting their handwriting – enhancing the beauty of each letter they write. It’s the introductory handwriting class that is taken for different age groups, and if any student wants to take speed handwriting this is the compulsory course.



To inspire a healthy sense of competition, students of DIGA have been allocated one of the four houses which symbolize the school’s values. Students develop a sense of belonging and a feeling of unity in being a part of a specific house.

The four houses are named

  • Ampal – Yellow House
  • Anicham – Blue House
  • Kuvalai – Pink House
  • Senganthal – Red House

Each house is led by the House In-charge for a year. The Secretary and Conveyor guide their teams on all fronts and play a vital role in leading their team to victory in all events. Participating in various inter-house competitions not only gives the students a chance to display their talent but also helps them learn valuable lessons on team work and selfless service. Be it a debate, quiz or sports event, students give their best to win laurels and house points. Participation in various activities brings the house honour and gives the students a sense of pride.


DIGA is secured with CCTV surveillance, a well known monitoring solution for physical and environmental security. It helps to avoid ragging and intrusions.



Good sportsmanship is viewed as a commitment to fair play, ethical behaviour, and integrity. We aim to imbibe in the above virtues in our students with our team of experts.

Students have the option of choosing one of the available CCAS like Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess, Basketball, Karate, Taekwondo, Badminton, Cricket, Junior Athletics offered by the school.


We nourish your children with sumptuous and balanced diet considering the hurdles of the working women in their era of globalization.


Breaking the monotonic nature of classroom, DIGA has an excellent infrastructure imposing school building with spacious, airy and well furnished smart classrooms, laboratories, sprawling lawns and ambi theatre.


  • CCTV monitors campus for better security and administration
  • Dedicated individual care taker
  • We provide PICK-UP ID CARDS to parents or the guardian who picks up the child
  • We provide Medicare facility regularly



The studio is equipped with interactive smart boards, laptops, Robotic kits and other innovative resources thus making our students techno smart. This has provided teachers and students with highly interactive Instructional tools enabling them to cater to all learning styles.



The DIGITAL LANGUAGE LAB is a versatile, fully digital multimedia teaching tool, combing all the main feature of a traditional language lab with the unique features of our computer based training system.
Manage language classes, create learning resources, and share multimedia files and much more with the world's first fully digital language lab.